After traveling through 16 states and roughly twice that number of cities in 2013, I wanted to find a way to find similarities between each of the different cities and determine which city I would fit in best. I had some mental measurement, but the limited amount of time in each city prevents any accurate long term statements about any particular city. While facebook or twitter, would probably have provide deeper datasets, the data would require a detailed model of natural language parsing and fake like rejection to beat the noise in each measurement. So rather than dealing with those hard questions, I decided to dive into the OkCupid dataset to try to get some zeroth order results on each question.
Rather than just starting this blog off with “hello world” and calling it good, I thought I would try something a bit different. On each github user profile there is a calendar that highlights the user’s public contributions to different projects as a grid of pixels that roughly spans a year. My [github account][github] looks like the following, and mainly contains a grid of pixels that is an empty canvas ripe for artful commits.